Herts for Learning Ltd (HfL) and the Herts for Learning Multi Academy Trust (HfL MAT) have been exploring options for the long term relationship between the two organisations. HfL founded the HfL MAT in December 2016 and the MAT welcomed its first six schools in September 2017, with three more schools joining in January 2018.
Since then the MAT has become fully established so both parties have now agreed that it no longer needs the support of a sponsor and that it will be beneficial to the MAT’s future growth and development for the two organisations to operate separately. HfL will therefore cease to be a member and sponsor of the HfL MAT and the two organisations will no longer be related parties.
The HfL MAT purchases a number of services from HfL Ltd, which are valued by the schools. In future, HfL Ltd’s services will continue to be available and may be procured by the MAT as appropriate and in line with best value and ESFA guidelines.
From the date of separation in September 2019, the Trust will be known as the Agora Learning Partnership and its new registered office will be The Orchard Primary School, Gammons Lane, Watford, WD24 5JW.
As the two organisations prepare to operate as completely separate entities, the chairs of each company board made the following comments:
“We have been delighted to support the establishment of the HfL MAT and to see it develop into a highly-regarded local Trust for Hertfordshire schools. We believe the Trust has now ‘come of age’ and is best able to prosper without the ongoing need for a sponsor. We will continue to support the Agora Learning Partnership in the best way possible to ensure its continuing success.” Robin Barrett, Chair of the Herts for Learning Board
“We would like to thank HfL for setting up the Trust in 2016 in response to requests from Hertfordshire schools. We have operated independently in practice since 2017, when our first schools joined. We are now looking forward to this next stage in our development and to maximising opportunities to explore creative models for the future with other interested parties. Our ethos and values remain firmly rooted at the heart of our Trust and we continue to work collaboratively with our schools in planning for our future.” Jan Paine, Chair of the Herts for Learning Multi Academy Trust Board