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Our Objectives

To benefit and add value for every child, member of staff and our wider community

  • Every Child
    • All children access and enjoy learning through a stimulating, creative and stretching curriculum, taught by high quality, well trained teachers
    • Every single child is enabled to achieve their best and gains the qualifications, experiences and skills they need to be successful now and in their future
    • Provide for every child to engage in at least one significant extra-curricular, special and memorable event every term; widening their life experiences and enhancing social mobility
    • Support robust physical and mental health and wellbeing for all children including aspiring to zero exclusions. The Trust will collaborate to look after its own children, whatever their background, disadvantages or challenges
  • Every Member of Staff
    • Prioritise professional development opportunities and career progression pathways to attract high quality applicants and retain the best staff
    • Staff and pupils are equipped with technologies that support and transform learning
    • ‘Incubate innovation’. Encourage creative teachers to thrive through working collaboratively; sharing ideas and expertise, encouraging and nurturing new developments and embedding practice that works
    • Create the conditions that support robust physical and mental health and wellbeing for all staff across the Trust including work life balance
  • Our Wider Community
    • Every academy in the Trust is at least good and is constantly aspiring to be even better, supporting each other on that journey
    • Respect each school’s individuality, ethos and autonomy so that local decision making is at the heart of school improvement
    • Ensure every school in the Trust is financially viable and is using resources effectively to maximise learning. Provide extensive support to academies not yet good or financially secure, to move them quickly to improvement
    • Accountable to communities we serve, work closely with the wider community and families to educate and inspire the global citizens of the present and future.

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