Return to Statutory/Policies

Statutory policies/information for individual academies within the Trust

The following statutory policies and information can be found on the websites of the academies within the Trust (or links to the information on this website):

  1. School contact details
  2. Admission arrangements
  3. Ofsted reports
  4. Exam and assessment results
  5. Performance tables
  6. Curriculum
  7. Remote education
  8. Behaviour policy
  9. Pupil premium
  10. Coronavirus (COVID-19) catch-up premium
  11. PE and sport premium
  12. Equality objectives
  13. Special educational needs and disability (SEND)
  14. Complaints policy
  15. Annual report and accounts and funding agreement (on Trust website)
  16. Executive pay (on Trust website)
  17. Governor information and duties, including the register of business interests of the headteacher and governors (Trustee information can be found on this website)
  18. Charging and remissions policies
  19. Values and ethos
  20. Request for copies
  21. Child protection policy
  22. Data protection policy and privacy notices

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