The following statutory policies and information can be found on the websites of the academies within the Trust (or links to the information on this website):
- School contact details
- Admission arrangements
- Ofsted reports
- Exam and assessment results
- Performance tables
- Curriculum
- Remote education
- Behaviour policy
- Pupil premium
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) catch-up premium
- PE and sport premium
- Equality objectives
- Special educational needs and disability (SEND)
- Complaints policy
- Annual report and accounts and funding agreement (on Trust website)
- Executive pay (on Trust website)
- Governor information and duties, including the register of business interests of the headteacher and governors (Trustee information can be found on this website)
- Charging and remissions policies
- Values and ethos
- Request for copies
- Child protection policy
- Data protection policy and privacy notices