Joining the Agora Learning Partnership

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The Process

Expressing an interest Any school that is interested in exploring the possibility of joining the Agora Learning Partnership should contact us at A member of the team will then be happy to speak to your governing body about …


A detailed handbook has been produced to aid local authority maintained schools through the joining process. Handbook contents Introduction Summary of the conversion process Context: ‘Converter’ academies and ‘sponsored’ academies The decision to convert The application to convert Conversion support …

Financial Considerations

Academy contribution The Agora Learning Partnership operates a central fund in order to provide a range of shared services and support the Trust Office and its central functions. For details of the services provided please email for a …


A list of questions asked during the consultation sessions when the Trust was established during 2016/17 and during subsequent conversions, and the answers supplied, can be obtained by emailing us at  

Academy Improvement Support

The Agora Learning Partnership ensures that all schools receive high quality improvement support that is bespoke and proportionate to need.  Academy improvement support comes from a range of sources.  This includes direct support from the CEO and the Academy Improvement …

Legal Support

Following a tender process, Winckworth Sherwood were appointed to provide legal services to support schools in the Trust and those converting to academy status. Further information about their services for education can be found on their website.   Education