About Us
Permanent link to this article: https://agoralearning.co.uk/about-us/
Message from our CEO I am delighted to welcome you to the Agora Learning Partnership website and hope that you find the content informative and helpful. In ancient Greece, the word ‘Agora’ was used to describe a public open space …
In 2016 the Herts for Learning Multi Academy Trust (HfL MAT) was established by the Trust’s sponsor, Herts for Learning Ltd (HfL Ltd), in response to requests from Hertfordshire schools to set up a multi academy trust for the area. …
Central MAT Team
The Agora Learning Partnership has a small central Team with a CEO who leads an Executive Team consisting of a Chief Finance Officer, Academy Improvement Lead and Company Secretary/Policy Officer. Please see our Central Team page for details.
The work of the Trust is financed by a ‘central fund’ contribution from the academies, with the level of contribution determined based on the resources required above and beyond administration and management costs. The range of functions provided by the …
Working for Us
Come and join the Agora Learning Partnership… Work together, learn together, succeed together Welcome from the Chief Executive Officer In ancient Greece, the word ‘Agora’ was used to describe a public open space used for assemblies and markets; Agora, a …
Our Partners
The Agora Learning Partnership works alongside other LA maintained schools, academies, multi-academy trusts and local Diocesan Boards in Hertfordshire and on our borders. We welcome opportunities to collaborate, share good practice and learn from each other. The Trust works with …
Data protection
The Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force in May 2018. The GDPR only applies to personal information, ie, information about identifiable living individuals and to anyone who processes, stores or is the …